Chapter 6: Combining Observables
NOTE: This is currently just an outline. Real prose and code are coming, I promise.
Combine and Flatten
Three ways to Concat
- concat, concatWith
- merge, mergeWith
- race, raceWith
The Four flatMaps
- mergeAll, mergeMap, mergeScan
- switchAll, switchMap, switchScan
- concatAll, concatMap
- exhaustAll, exhaustMap
Combine without flattening
- combineLatest, combineLatestAll, combineLatestWith
- withLatestFrom
- zip, zipAll, zipWith
- forkJoin
Controlling One Observable With Another
- takeUntil, skipUntil
- window, windowWhen, windowToggle
Let’s make a new flatMap!
- semaphoreMap, semaphoreAll